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  • 聚乙烯 (PE) – 3 种变体:PE300、PE500 和 PE1000

    聚乙烯变体 PE1000 PE1000 具有更高的耐磨性。 由于其分子量特别高,因此也被称为 PE超高分子量 (“超高分子量”)。 极长的分子链导致特别高的冲击强度,即这种PE塑料可 超高分子量聚乙烯英文名ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (简称UHMWPE),是分子量150万以上的无支链的线性 聚乙烯 。 分子式:— (—CH2CH2—)—n—,密 超高分子量聚乙烯 百度百科

  • 革新UHMWPE(超高分子量聚乙烯)的可加工性┃三井化学

    以高度可靠与优良业绩为傲的三井化学将革新超高分子量聚乙烯的可加工性UHMWPE 超高分子量聚乙烯 更详细 实现优异的滑动性和耐磨性 UHMWPE 通过圆球、窄粒度分布 PE1000 or UHMWPE is a variant of polyethylene with low friction coefficient and excellent wear resistance BBS Industrie offers PE1000 sheet, tube and rod material, as well as PE1000 / Polyethylene material (UHMW material) BBS

  • UHMWPE PE 1000 Technical Data Sheet Plastim

    UHMW PE 1000 PE 1000 has the best wear resistance of the polyethylene products due to its low coefficient of sliding friction and selflubricating qualities Its low density allows it 因为GUR® UHMWPE综合了如下优异性能:高耐摩性,高抗冲性,表面不粘性以及自润滑性。 并且,即使低温条件下它亦能保持卓越的机械性能。 GUR® UHMWPE是一种具 GUR® UHMWPE 超高分子量聚乙烯

  • TECAFINE PE1000 natural Ensinger

    TECAFINE PE1000 natural is a white thermoplastic engineering material with high impact strength and chemical resistance It is food contact approved and suitable for 1000 UHMWPE components are often favored as solutions for resistance, a low friction surface, exc llent impact strength and FDA and EU compliant composition T rrosion Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene TIVAR 1000

  • Polystone® M natural Röchling roechling

    Polystone® M natural is a material with excellent sliding properties, wear resistance and chemical resistance It is used in various industries for applications such as sliding PE 1000 polyethylene PE 1000 is a pure, unmixed ultrahighmolecularweight polyethylene (UHMWPE) with a molecular weight of 44–92 million g/mol Of the PE 1000 PEUHMW polyethylene • Volume plastics •


    レーザーアキュラシーPINPOINTは、10年以上多数のモデルをリリースしている実績あるゴルフレーザー距離計専門ブランド。PINPOINT PE1000は、測定範囲は余裕の10~1000ヤード(900m)。新機能イージーショット(簡易計測)機能を初搭載。最大計測距離1000ヤード、6倍ズーム、軽量ボディの基本機能に Polietileno (PE) en 3 variantes El polietileno es un plástico común fabricado en grandes cantidades a partir de etilenoPolietileno (PE) – 3 variantes: PE300, PE500 y PE1000

  • PEHD 1000 naturel TECAFINE PE1000 natural Ensinger

    PEHD 1000 naturel (polyéthylène) Le TECAFINE PE1000 natural (PEHD 1000 naturel) est un thermoplastique technique de type polyéthylène, de masse moléculaire très élevée, avec une grande résistance au choc, une bonne tenue à l’usure/abrasion, une excellente résistance chimique et de très bonnes propriétés à basse températurePE 1000 has the best wear resistance of the polyethylene products due to its low coefficient of sliding friction and selflubricating qualities Its low density allows it to withstand exceptionally strong impacts Good stress crack resistance enables this product to be used to a temperature limit of 200°C, this is the lowest operating UHMWPE PE 1000 Technical Data Sheet Plastim

  • Polyethylenové tyče PE1000, natur Multiplast

    Polyethylen s ultravysokou molekulární hmotností Röchling Polystone M (PE1000, PEUHMW) je díky své vysoké otěruvzdornosti vhodným materiálem pro výrobu kluzných a třecích lišt a segmentů Široké uplatnění nachází také ve všech aplikacích, kde je nutno zajistit výborné kluzné vlastnosti a zabránit ulpívání dopravovaných materiálů např Other material names PE1000 : PE 1000, PE UHMW Material group: Polyethylene Construction sliding material with high resistance to abrasion and wear It has high impact and notch strength without fracture and low friction coefficient It is hygienic (only for certain colors) and low density lighter than waterPE1000 Polyethylene 1000 TechPlasty

  • Polyethylene (PE) – 3 variants: PE300, PE500 and PE1000

    Polyethylene variant PE1000 PE1000 has even higher wear resistance Because of its particularly high molecular weight, it is also called PEUHMW ("ultrahigh molecular weight") The extremely long molecular chains result in particularly high impact strength, ie this PE plastic can absorb a lot of energy on impact without breaking亲,很高兴为您服务,解答如下pe1000和upe的区别答pe1000和upe的区别解答如下upe比pe最典型的就是更耐磨的,而且upe的分子量可以达到920万。 pe1000是聚乙烯。 分为HDPE和LDPE等,属于常用材料。 比如塑料袋等。 UPE全名是超高分子量聚乙烯,分子量在150万以上 pe1000和upe的区别百度问一问

  • TECAFINE PE1000 natural Ensinger

    Il TECAFINE PE1000 natural (PE UHMW) è un termoplastico per ingegneria a base polietilene ad altissima densità con elevata resistenza agli urti, buona resistenza a usura/abrasione, eccellente resistenza chimica e un comportamento a basse temperature molto buono Il materiale plastico PE1000 è approvato per il contatto con alimenti, PEI 1000是(美国)基础创新公司生产的工程塑胶材料 PEI 1000(美国)基础创新 规格等级:注塑级 应用范围:聚醚酰亚胺(Polyetherimide,简称PEI)是无定形聚醚酰亚胺所制造的超级工程塑料,具有最佳之耐高温及尺寸稳定性,以及抗化学性、阻燃、电气性、高强度、高刚性等等,PEI树脂可广泛应用耐 PEI 1000 百度百科

  • PE 1000 Levha ve Çubuk Mühendislik Plastikleri Martan

    PE 1000 PE 1000 standart plastik çeşitlerinden birisidir Bu mühendislik plastiği yarı kristal termoplastik çeşitlerinden olup yüksek tokluk seviyesi ve kimyasal dirence sahip yarı kristal termoplastiklerdir Diğer plastiklere göre daha düşük mekanik dayanım ve sıcaklık direnci gösterir Özgül ağırlığı ve sürtünme 知乎专栏 随心写作,自由表达 知乎

  • PE1000 AST Polyetylene 1000 antistatic TechPlasty

    PE1000 AST is the ideal material to use when potentially volatile conditions exist in grain handling or munitions plants It also protects expensive robotic an conveyor PE1000 AST is resistant to chemical attack and moisture absorption, and retains key physical properties to 30° C Color of material: Black Typical applications:PE 1000000 POLIETILENE HD PE1000 PRESSATO Peso molecolare compreso tra 1000000 e 4000000 di molecole Nomi commerciali: Polizene, Centrolen, Cestidur, Cestilene, Ertalene, Hostalen, Lupolen, Polidur, Polystone, Sirfalen, Sustylen, Vestolen ecc Il Polietilene ha una elevata resistenza agli agenti chimici, agli urti e buona resistenza PE 1000000 Materie Plastiche Parma Plastics Srl

  • พีอี1000 (PE1000/UHMWPE Plastic) ซุปเปอร์ลีน

    PE1000 UHMWPE (Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene) หรือ ซุปเปอร์ลีนพีอี1000 มีสีขาว , ดำ , เขียว และเหลือง เป็นพลาสติกวิศวกรรมประเภท Thermoplastics มีน้ำหนักเบา มี men in vielen Industriezweigen eingesetzt wird Die Werkstoffe der Produktfamilie Polyethylen PE 1000 zeichnen sich durch hervorragende Gleiteigenschaften, extreme Verschleißfestigkeit, hohe Schlagzähigkeit und ihre sehr gute Beständigkeit gegen Chemikalien aus und ben sich für technische Anwendungen etabliert PE 1000 / PE 1000 Regenerat Produktinformationen

  • PE1000 Reg Polyeteenilevy 12 mm vihreä Kumipörssi

    PE1000 Reg Polyeteenilevy 12 mm vihreä 255,00 € / m2 #Edullinen muovilaatu joka on valmistettu kierrätys materiaalista Hieman heikommat liukuominaisuudet ja kemiallinen kestävyys verrattuna puhtaaseen Polyeteeniin Erittäin helppo työstettävä Käyttökohteita esim kuljettimien liukumuovit, ketjuohjurit, kaavarit, erilaiset suojat คุณลักษณะของ UHMWPE/PE1000 Sheet (แผ่น พีอี1000) ความแข็ง 63 Shore D ใช้งานในอุณหภูมิที่สูงต่อเนื่องได้ 250 ถึง 80 °c ใช้งานในอุณหภูมิที่สูงสุด ในระยะเวลาสั้น ได้ถึง 130 °c จำหน่าย แผ่นPE1000 (UHMWPE Sheet) PTFE (TEFLON

  • Lastra polizene PE1000 verde Garotti

    Lastra polizene PE1000 verde Ottima resistenza agli urti e all’usura,superficie antiaderente, basso coefficiente d’attrito, buona resistenza chimica, buona resistenza alle temperature molto basse Largamente usato per rivestimento di scivoli, pezzi soggetti a urti e all’usura, elementi di tenuta, racle, ruote dentate, ralle; fasce di 三井化学的UHMWPE(超高分子量聚乙烯)在聚乙烯中具有最高等级可加工性,可用于客户的各种用途。革新UHMWPE(超高分子量聚乙烯)的可加工性┃三井化学


    レーザーアキュラシーPINPOINTは、10年以上多数のモデルをリリースしている実績あるゴルフレーザー距離計専門ブランド。PINPOINT PE1000は、測定範囲は余裕の10~1000ヤード(900m)。新機能イージーショット(簡易計測)機能を初搭載。最大計測距離1000ヤード、6倍ズーム、軽量ボディの基本機能に Polietileno (PE) en 3 variantes El polietileno es un plástico común fabricado en grandes cantidades a partir de etilenoPolietileno (PE) – 3 variantes: PE300, PE500 y PE1000

  • PEHD 1000 naturel TECAFINE PE1000 natural Ensinger

    PEHD 1000 naturel (polyéthylène) Le TECAFINE PE1000 natural (PEHD 1000 naturel) est un thermoplastique technique de type polyéthylène, de masse moléculaire très élevée, avec une grande résistance au choc, une bonne tenue à l’usure/abrasion, une excellente résistance chimique et de très bonnes propriétés à basse températurePE 1000 has the best wear resistance of the polyethylene products due to its low coefficient of sliding friction and selflubricating qualities Its low density allows it to withstand exceptionally strong impacts Good stress crack resistance enables this product to be used to a temperature limit of 200°C, this is the lowest operating UHMWPE PE 1000 Technical Data Sheet Plastim

  • Polyethylenové tyče PE1000, natur Multiplast

    Polyethylen s ultravysokou molekulární hmotností Röchling Polystone M (PE1000, PEUHMW) je díky své vysoké otěruvzdornosti vhodným materiálem pro výrobu kluzných a třecích lišt a segmentů Široké uplatnění nachází také ve všech aplikacích, kde je nutno zajistit výborné kluzné vlastnosti a zabránit ulpívání dopravovaných materiálů např Other material names PE1000 : PE 1000, PE UHMW Material group: Polyethylene Construction sliding material with high resistance to abrasion and wear It has high impact and notch strength without fracture and low friction coefficient It is hygienic (only for certain colors) and low density lighter than waterPE1000 Polyethylene 1000 TechPlasty

  • Polyethylene (PE) – 3 variants: PE300, PE500 and PE1000

    Polyethylene variant PE1000 PE1000 has even higher wear resistance Because of its particularly high molecular weight, it is also called PEUHMW ("ultrahigh molecular weight") The extremely long molecular chains result in particularly high impact strength, ie this PE plastic can absorb a lot of energy on impact without breaking亲,很高兴为您服务,解答如下pe1000和upe的区别答pe1000和upe的区别解答如下upe比pe最典型的就是更耐磨的,而且upe的分子量可以达到920万。pe1000是聚乙烯。分为HDPE和LDPE等,属于常用材料。比如塑料袋等。UPE全名是超高分子量聚乙烯,分子量在150万以上;低于150万的只能算高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)。UPE pe1000和upe的区别百度问一问

  • TECAFINE PE1000 natural Ensinger

    Il TECAFINE PE1000 natural (PE UHMW) è un termoplastico per ingegneria a base polietilene ad altissima densità con elevata resistenza agli urti, buona resistenza a usura/abrasione, eccellente resistenza chimica e un comportamento a basse temperature molto buono Il materiale plastico PE1000 è approvato per il contatto con alimenti, PEI 1000是(美国)基础创新公司生产的工程塑胶材料 PEI 1000(美国)基础创新 规格等级:注塑级 应用范围:聚醚酰亚胺(Polyetherimide,简称PEI)是无定形聚醚酰亚胺所制造的超级工程塑料,具有最佳之耐高温及尺寸稳定性,以及抗化学性、阻燃、电气性、高强度、高刚性等等,PEI树脂可广泛应用耐 PEI 1000 百度百科

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